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43 2009/5/10 God is Love!
Maria Laura Fenech 
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Habbejtek programm - li jkattar fija l-fidi. Nizzi hajr l'Alla li ghandna programm bhal dan li minnu nitghallem hafna flimkien mar ragel tieghi Andrea. May god be with you all. Grazzi u prosit ta kollox. Nselli ghalik. Maria Laura Fenech, minn Misrah Kola (H'Attard)

42 2009/5/10 Prosit Gordon!
sarah sultana 
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Hi Gordon. Jien Sarah Sultana mil-Gzira. Prosit kbira min qiegh qalbi tal-programm bis-sens li Ghandek. Ghandna bzonn ta' aktar programmi bhal tieghek ghax laffarijit li tighd jaghmlu verament sens. Il-Mulej mieghek u mas-segwaci kollha tal-programm "habbejtek". Prosit Gordon. Inselli Ghal-mahbub tieghi Karmenu.

41 2009/5/6 Kemm għandek program sabiħ!
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Hello Gordon jien Edera mill-Mellieħa nixtieq ngħidlek kemm għandek programm sabiħ u interessanti. Tgħid affarijiet bis-sens u kwazi naqbel miegħek f'kollox. Tixtieq tgħidlek proset ukoll l-għaziza oħti Leeanne. Ħa nħallik Gorden u keep it up! Il-fidi miegħek Edera u Leeanne mill-Mellieħa.xxx

40 2009/4/19 Program Bżonjuż!
Joseph Fenech Laudi 
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Nagħti glorja 'l Alla u ħajr lilek ta' dan il-program li qiegħed ibierek ħafna nies. Programmi bħal dawn huma bżonjużi għall-poplu Malti. Prosit u keep it up!

39 2009/4/12 housewife
Martina & Ronnie 
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Thank God finally we have someone in Malta and Gozo to speak the truth about the Bible and the Bible only, for Jesus said it Himself search the scripture for in them you will find everlasting life (John5.38-40)

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