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33 2009/2/3 E.Zahra
Program mimli laħam! 

Proset xbin tal-program. Illum (2/2/2009) mhux laħam biss kien fih...imma 'butcher'!

32 2009/1/5 Well Done!!!
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Gordon, I read your story and I was touched by it. Well Done for your Ballet achievments but most of all, Well Done for the beautiful programm, all with the help of our God. Amen

31 2008/12/31 Awesome!

Dear Gordon, thanks for being an instruments in God's Hands. Praise be to the Lord. Amen. Great interesting programm. We need more. Please I am still waiting for the book after the donation I made through your program. Hope to receive it soon. Bless you.

30 2008/12/30 Keep it up!
Polly Agius 
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Gordon il-programm tiegħek veru interessanti qiegħed jkun ħafna ta ġid kbir. Kif nara l-programm tiegħk inħossni li għandi knisja ġo d-dar tieghi. Il-Mulej qiegħed iżomm jdejh fuqek.amen

29 2008/12/8 Qiegħda nitgħallem ħafna
Rose Mula 

Gordon nirringrazzjak minn qalbi tal-ktieb li baghttuli. Jiena dejjem nistenna fuq ix-xwiek il-program 'Ħabbejtek' u prosit għax bill-ħijla tiegħek qed nitgħallem ħafna affarijiet fuq Kristu u qiegħda nipprova ngħix sew. Prosit Gordon għal ġid li qiegħed tagħmel. Grazzi.

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