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58 2009/11/26 I wish more people spoke like you!

How I wish there would be more believers that talk with the same love and passion you do. Not to be ashamed on tv etc...

57 2009/11/26 Elvis is great!
Margaret Abela 

I think Elvis is simply great on tv the way he puts forth questions. Praise God; he makes your teachings more inquisitive and complete.

56 2009/11/26 Iva, għamel dawn il-programmi!
Rose Grech 

Proset ħafna ta'kollox. Kollox għoġobni. Iva għamel dawn il-programmi li għedt ser tagħmel għax jinteressawni ħafna. Meta tgħid xi esperjenza ta'xi nies jew tiegħek personali, tgħidx kemm nieħu ġost nismaħhom. Ma kontx naf li ħafna nies madwar id-dinja qed jaraw li Ġesu jew ikollhom ħolm bħal ma kellek int u rajt il-Ġesu!? Gob bless you!

55 2009/11/22 Appostlu ta' veru!
Joseph Azzopardi 
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HI Gordon PROSIT. Kompli hekk, int Appostlu modern!

54 2009/11/20 Program mimli affarijiet interessanti!
Lee'Anne Azzopardi 
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Hi Gordon jien Leeanne mill-belt. Ma nitlifx puntata waħda mill-programm tiegħek. Taf x'hinu tajjeb u 'l-ħazin. Taf tmexxi lin-nies fit-triq it-tajba. Proset Gordon minn għandi u minn għand Emil [żewġi]. Nixtieq niġi għal prayer meetings tiegħek. Prosit !!!

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