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53 2009/11/16 Wow, Glory to God!
Hilda Magro 
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Proset Gordon for the new series. Wow, glory to God! Gbu

52 2009/11/16 Kollox oġgħobni!

Proset ħafna ta' kollox. Kollox oġgħobni. Iva, kompli għamel dawn il-programmi li għedt li ser tagħmel għax jinteressawni ħafna.Meta tgħid xi esperjenza ta xi nies jew tiegħek personali tgħidx kemm nieħu gost nismaħhom.Ma kontx naf li ħafna nies madwar id-dinja qed jaraw lil Ġesu u qed ikollom ħolm bħal ma kellek int u rajt lil Ġesu. Gbu.

51 2009/7/6 Prosit!!

Hello Gordon jiena Jeffrey mill-Mellieħa, milnix li bdejt nara il-programm tiegħek u mill-ftit li għadni rajt diga tgħallimt ħafna. Prosit u keep it up!

50 2009/7/2 Thanks for Caring!
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When one receives Jesus, his life is fulfilled ......thanks for caring about your country & spreading the word!

49 2009/6/30 Vera bis-sens!
Justin Mercieca 
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Nixtieq ngħidlek prosit tal-programm għax vera bis-sens!!!

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