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25 2010/7/25 Don't quit!

Lord do not let Gordon quit, the TV program.Joe.

24 2010/7/25 Healed during the program!

I thank the Lord for working in me. He healed me last Friday while I was praying with you on the tv program. Yes I believe the Lord is good. Thank you Jesus for the healing.

23 2009/11/22 Appostlu ta' veru!
Joseph Azzopardi 
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HI Gordon PROSIT. Kompli hekk, int Appostlu modern!

22 2009/7/6 Prosit!!

Hello Gordon jiena Jeffrey mill-Mellieħa, milnix li bdejt nara il-programm tiegħek u mill-ftit li għadni rajt diga tgħallimt ħafna. Prosit u keep it up!

21 2009/6/30 Vera bis-sens!
Justin Mercieca 
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Nixtieq ngħidlek prosit tal-programm għax vera bis-sens!!!

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