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15 2009/2/3 E.Zahra
Program mimli laħam! 

Proset xbin tal-program. Illum (2/2/2009) mhux laħam biss kien fih...imma 'butcher'!

14 2008/12/6 It was amazing!

Dear Gordon I saw your program tonight (5th December: Divine Healing) and it was amazing. I am very proud that I attend your fellowship and thank you for teaching us about God. Hope to see you tomorrow. God bless you. John

13 2008/11/2 Beautiful!
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Very beautiful that I found this site and I can greet you all and bless and encourage you in the good fight of faith and win the men and women to Jesus; this is so good and powerful, its a joy that help ,thanks and blessings and prayer, Keijo. Sweden

12 2008/8/31 Malta kellha bzonn dan il-Program!
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Vera program li Malta kellha bzonn ghal hafna u hafna snin. Jalla Malta tisma' sew il-Kelma t'Alla u timxi fuqha kif spjegat tajjeb fil-program. Prosit ghax Alla maghna!

11 2008/8/17 Hniena
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Grazzi Mulej talli ghadek thobbna minkejja dan il-hazen kollu.

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