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Katekist Kattoliku li nsegwi Ħabbejtek!
Jien nisimghek u nieħu pjacir nisimgħek,u jien katekista ukoll. Għallem it-tagħlim ta' Kristu, għax is-soċjeta tagħna dak li għandha bżonn, u mhux tisma Kristjani jgħidu kontra Kristjani oħra. Għaliex jekk trid tkun korett, barra li jien nisejjah Kattoliku jien Kristjan ukoll, għax nemmen li Kristu gie fid-dinja bata għalija u QAM MILL IMWIET. Il Mulej Sidna Gesu Kristu ikompli jgħatik is-saħħa biex twassal il-bxara t-tajba, ir -rispett u l-imħabba fil qlub ta' tant nies, li kull ma jinteressahom huwa l-individwalizmu. Il-paċi miegħek Gordon.
Thank God for the blood of Jesus!
Glory to God for Jesus' bloods victory around the world with new revival, that time when all will wake up for that amazing time in grace to salvation in healing, in out pouring of the Holy Spirit and joy and heaven will rejoice for the love of God. Thanks and bless you, Keijo. Sweden.
Hearing your message!
Alfred Saliba
Very happy to know you on the internet and Smash TV. My family goes to NEW VISION WORSHIP CENTER at St. Albabsthe. The Church is run by Pastor Ezra, congregation Samoa. Pastor, we also have a son who is a Pastor at the time being is Indonasia. He planted a church there, and he has been there for two years now with his family. I can see that you are doing a Godly job. I will keep you in our prayers. God bless. (Maltese Australian).
Vic Mula
Healed during service conducted by Evangelist Gordon-John Manche'. praise God, you are doing a great job.
God lives!
Thanks for the love and acceptance. My first meeting @ River of Love Christian Fellowship was realy inspiring, I want to continue attending!