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Welcome to Habbejtek Website where you can view our TV programmes on Smash TV


Healed during the program!
While I was watching the program on Wednesday 4th June, you (Gordon) said that some one watching was being healed from burning sensation on the side of her leg.

As soon as you said that I laid my hands on my leg which was hurting me with burning pain and prayed with you in Jesus name for the healing. The pain with the burning sensaton was instantly gone!
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Walking again!
After one of our programs we recieved a telephone call from one lady of 72 who had been watching us and praying with us!

She invited us to go and pray for her as she has not been able to walk for over three years. She was not able to stand alone nor was she able to walk alone without assistance from other people!
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The Bible is the best selling book in the world. The most translated book into different languages. It is the most read, as well as the possibly the most controversial...however one thing remains certain... It is the most life changing book in History
To start with...
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Sponsor our Program
The Lord has graciously given us the opportunity to be on National Television twice a week and even more since the program is at times repeated during other times! (See

Since our new TV program HABBEJTEK started we have been honored to have recieved alot of positive feedback and more people are watching the program every week and the word is getting around that HABBEJTEK is becoming a popular program rather quickly! Because of how the Lord has chosen to use this fresh television Christian program, many people have made decisions to recieve Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior and others have even recieved physical healing. We praise The Lord for this!
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Talba biex tigi salvat!
Ghaziz Missier Etern, jiena nigi ghandek ghax jiena midneb. Illum naghraf li ma nistax insalva lili nnifsi. Nehtieg Salvatur personali. Gesu Iben Alla l-haj, nitolbok issalvani issa stess u tahfirli id-dnubiet kollha tieghi, tal-passat, tal-present u tal-futur. Irrid nitwieled mill-gdid. Irrid nesperjenza dik il-Hajja gdida li Inti biss ghandek is-seta taghtini. Inti wieghed permezz tal-Kelma Mqaddsa tieghek li jekk jiena nemmen f’qalbi u nistqarr b’fommi li Gesu Hu Sidi, il-Mulej u s-Salvatur tieghi jiena nsalva zgur, mhux forsi.
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What the others are saying


Healed during the program!
While I was watching the program on Wednesday 4th June, you (Gordon) said that some one watching was being healed from burning sensation on the side of her leg.

As soon as you said that I laid my hands on my leg which was hurting me with burning pain and prayed with you in Jesus name for the healing. The pain with the burning sensaton was instantly gone!
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Healed From Eating Disorder
Since I was a little girl, food never attracted me. I used to prolong time going for lunch or dinner whenever my mother used to call me to join at the table. My mother used to lovingly prepare lunch and dinner and did her utmost to help me eat. I simply hated to eat. I used to pick at some food and leave the room to do something else.
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